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1. Your teacher knows your favorite member.

2. Your friends and people at school know you as "SP's girl".

3. Study time turns into Simple Plan sing-a-long time.

4. Your parents are worried.

5. If you met the hottest guy/girl they would be gone in a second, if they dissed Simple Plan.

6. You would give up a year of your life to go on tour with them.

7. You sit and stare into the eyes of Pierre, David, Seb, Chuck or Jeff on a picture or a poster until you lose focus.

8. Your hobby is Simple Plan.

9. You would risk your life to stand up to anyone who says something bad about SP.

10. You freak out when a SP song comes on the radio or on TV.

11. You feel like killing anyone that tells you to get over them, your a SP psycho, they will never date or marry you.

12. You always wonder what they are doing right now.

13. You only speak in SP lyrics

14. You have to remind people that you met them at Warped anytime anything Simple Plan comes up

15. You spend so much time thinking about them, you have weird dreams involving them and a playground incident that occurred when you were five.

16. You forgot what color your walls were because their covered in SP articles and pictures

17. You get pissed off at anyone that claims to love them more.

18. Your friends know you as the SP freak.

19. You memorized every song of theirs, even their demo tape

20. You get in a really bad mood when you haven't listened to your CD for a few hours.

21. You went to the library and got their hometowns address book just to see if their listed, and flip when someone under that name is.

22. You listen to their CD every morning 'cause it helps you make it through the day.

23. You spend an oddly long amount of time listening to the CD just to get "yeahs" right.

24. You refused to see Bring It On or The New Guy because Eliza Dushku was in the SP video.

25. You have a newfound respect for pink eyeliner.

26. Your family knows the names and ages of all of them.

27. Ever since you bought the Simple Plan CD, all your other CDs are collecting dust.

28. You spent 5 bucks on a magazine that had a small picture of them.

29. Your best friend loves SP too! (But not as much as you)

30. You swear that your favorite member is your soul mate.

31. You didn't shower until a week after the SP concert 'cause Jeff touched your arm.

32. You learned how to write "MARRY ME SEB" in French so he'd be sure to notice

33. You do anything for them.

34. You have plans for you and (sp member's) wedding.

35. You camp outside the venue their playing....................3 days before they play 

36. You know everything about Pierre’s Mom too

37. You tag Simple Plan RULES on any paper bill that passes (and some pennies too!)

38. Your not obsessed.....your in love.

39. You know how to say all of their last names with a perfect French accent

40. You sit down and list reasons why you are obsessed.

41. You refer to them like you know them

42. You have been to their concert so many times that the person at ticket master knows your name

43. You overcome your deathly fear of snakes and watch one in order to go to a concert

44. You camp out all night just to see their tour bus pass by

45. Their roadies know your name



© Heart-n-Breaker 2004 J


© Heart -n- Breaker 2004 – 2005 J

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