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Here's the scoop...


"Untitled" is 'hanging by a thread' on the TRL countdown and we need to do something! Lately it's been coming in at #8 or #9 and that's just not good enough. We've come so far and the video is so close to retirement, we can't let it fall off now!

Take a minute and vote for the video. Go to now and vote online! Then at 1:30pm-2pm ET call 1800DIALMTV. You can vote on your phone 3 times. Let's get "Untitled" retired on TRL!


Montreal's Simple Plan sends crowd into frenzy at Canada's Live 8 show

The Montreal band Simple Plan whipped the crowd into a frenzy, urging young people to speak up for what they believe in... Simple Plan lead singer Pierre Bouvier seemed to make it his mission to bring youth and energy to the event as he raced around the stage and sprayed the crowd with water.


He also reminded Live 8 revellers they had gathered for a reason.

"Please remember this day is more than just a concert," he said.

"Don't forget about it tomorrow. Help out people who are in need."




Montreal power pop punk band Simple Plan is gearing up for tomorrow's slot at Barrie's Live 8. But you might think that they're actually preparing for The Amazing Race TV show.
"I don't know why but we tend to get into crazy schedules all the time," lead guitarist Jeff Stinco says backstage following a concert Monday night in Cologne, Germany. "I don't think any band is touring as much as we are. And if they are, well then they're crazy."

The band finishes its European trek tonight in Brussels, Belgium. From there they fly across the Atlantic to play at 2 p.m. at Live 8 in Barrie, and then fly immediately out for a concert in Valdosta, Georgia, headlining a show tomorrow evening.

"It's going to be pretty hectic, but we really, really wanted to do it," Stinco says. "It's one of the best bills that I've ever seen at a rock show. So I'm excited about it. So it was a good thing that we actually managed to make it work."

Stinco says the group wasn't sure if they were able to commit to the concert when first approached about a month ago. But he adds that the concert's message is worth the jet lag.

"It's an historical moment and for us. It's a way to help out and to create awareness on some of the issues that we care about," he says. "We're pretty nervous about it, actually... This is a big deal.

"Last week we got a chance to see the DVD of the first edition (Live Aid) and it was a really big moment. The number of people who will be watching it... you know that the moment will last forever. That makes it more stressful. We're pretty confident that things are going to go well, but who knows."

The group released its sophomore album, Still Not Getting Any..., last year and have been on the road basically ever since. Stinco says the band is surprised by the success of the album, especially internationally.

"We worked really hard on that record and put a lot of energy into it," he says. "We put a lot of pressure on ourselves. But as soon as we got it out we realized that the fans were responding heavily to it and buying it. That was very flattering but seeing that it was going so well internationally was, 'Wow!' "

Simple Plan, which won Favourite Canadian Band at the MuchMusic Video Awards earlier this month, made news recently for its video Untitled (How Could This Happen To Me?). The video deals with drinking and driving and the possible consequences of getting behind the wheel.

The video was offered to Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) for schools to use in presentations about the issue.

"While we weren't preachy, I think we created a video that will create awareness and make people think before doing something crazy."

The band will be on the road the rest of the year, including a tour of Australia this fall. Stinco says the group will release another single, Crazy, later this year. From there it's more touring in early 2006 before starting on a new studio album.

Pierre Bouvier's Damage control will be airing in the Sunday Stew on MTV, and it will air at 9:30 pm. Click the following links for more information and be sure to watch this hilarious show!


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