"When we were shooting our album cover,Pierre and
I were in a bathtub filled with water,and some lights fell and fried us for about three seconds"-
"If I was going to sell out, I would have done it
Rick(Muchmusic): Is he a liar?
David: No he's
a lawer! Well I guess its the same thing.
Rick: Here we go with Davids humor
"if you dont drink you might as well kill your
self, ya know"
"We got you a christmas present! They're grapes.
But they arent normal grapes. *eats one* they have drugs in them. Who wants grapes?!"
"Like, 'I wonder what its like to kiss a guy with
a lip ring.'... Yea! Sure you wonder!"
"Piss our french names in the snow!"
"Look Banana! Double Banana! That means it has two
bananas in it!"
"Is it ok if I start crying?"- At the "Perfect"
video shoot.
"we destroy everything, including our own bodies"
"I think the goal is to actually KILL the band"
David: We almost died because one of the lights fell
in the water and we got electrocuted and ever since I can tell what women think
Amanda(muchmusic): What am I thinking of now?
*grin* My ass.
"Isn't it great being in a bathtub naked?"
"we're french, we speak canadian"