Its possible you might be addicted to Simple Plan
You named a pet/stuffed animal after one/all of the guys.
You freak out when you find out they are going to perform
on Jay Leno...or other show...
You then beg and plead with 2 of your friends to tape
it, just in case your VCR breaks down
You are visiting this site...rite obviously you are
questioning your addiction i right or am i right?
You have e-mailed one of the guys at least twice.
You go to their official website everyday.
You created a website dedicated to the band
You listen to their CD 2+ times a day
You have an AIM theme with the guys pictured on it.
You get mad at anyone who laughs at you when
you label Simple Plan "punk"
You started talking with a French-Canadian accent.
You find a way to bring up Simple Plan every time you open your mouth
You get pissed at all the girls who get meet
and greet passes before their show
You refuse to date anyone unless their name is Chuck, David, Jeff,
Pierre, Seb or Pat
You have a lot of those Japanese power bead braclet
things that Chuck wears
You vote for "Addicted" at least 4 times a day on TRL.
You're a member of the Simple Plan Invasion Crew.
You've written at least one fanfic about them.
You consider Pat an unofficial member of Simple
You think about the guys when you are making
out or gettin busy with your boyfriend/girlfriend
You plan to go to 2+ Warped Tours this
summer just for them
You hope and pray that GC didn't lie to
you in your interview about a possible tour in the fall featuring themselves and Simple Plan